Product Catalogue


Lighting Design By TAD Lighting

STUDIO 2 - Agincourt - Ontario
Designed for Canada's leading morning show, the set alows for more than 12 host positions, for interviews, demonstrations as well as performance areas, complete with a moving mirror effects projectors.

Dimmer System: ETC Sensor Rack's with 96 @ 2.4Kw and 12 @ 6Kw Dimmers.
Control: ETC Insight II
Lighting: Strand 2Kw Castor Fresnel, 1Kw Polaris Fresnel, 650 Bambino Fresnels, MC Par 64, ETC Source 4 Ellipsoidal.
Specialty Equip.: CL 101 Colour Scrollers (12), High End Trac Spots (4), Avernger IFF Top Video Pantograph system (8).

STUDIO 5 - Agincourt - Ontario
The rotating Anchor set on N1 allows for 7 different background and timed crossfades linked to the rotation speeds of the desk.

Dimmer System: Strand CD80SV Rack with 72 @ 2.4Kw Dimmers.
Control: Strand LBX and 16 Channel System Wide Control.
Distribution: MC Lights 6 x 2.4K circuits.
Lighting: Strand 2Kw Castor Bambino Fresnel, 1Kw Polaris Fresnel, 300/500 and 500/650 Bambino Fresnel. FP 2Kw Ziplights. ETC Source 4 Ellipsoidal.

Lighting Design By TAD Lighting

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